Thursday, February 25, 2010

she looks back

She arrives as lifes road ends. Looking back she sees naught of herself. Looking back she sees nothing of her own dreams. Nothing of her self in her own days. Nothing of her self in her own life. Nothing of her self in the hours spent at morn; hours spent at noon; hours spent at moon.

looking back she is saddened

saddened that her days were not filled with her

saddened that her days were not her thoughts

not her words

not her dreams

not her passions

not her hours

not her minutes

not her days

days of other peoples dreams and other peoples passions and other peoples words

days that were never hers

our days our not ourselves she says

nor should they ever be

for life is made of more than I

not you nor me but we

she feels a slice of comfort

knowing days were never hers

to whom belong

maybe time

we cannot say for sure

wishing still an invitation

inside her own days more

proof of presence where she tread

what is left . . . . her lore