Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's far too late for me to be blogging. I know this. I recognize that I become loose lipped as the night weans on. Yet lying in bed I had this stirring, to rise out of bed, to reach out through my blog. I feel my blog is healing in some sense, I've yet to fully understand the effects of placing ones words into the universe, ones thoughts, ones dreams, ones hopes, ones desires, ones failures, ones sadness, ones grief...placing these words, opening these words, sharing these words, in a way, letting go of these words and the pain behind them. Letting go of grief and dissapointment, letting go of pain and suffering, letting go of loss and sadness, letting go of anger and bitterness . . . my heart has been leasing space to bitterness and anger for far too long now, it's time a new tenant move in.


  1. I am excited to have some happier tenants move in. I love you Megan and want so much for you, so much for us. You crack me up!!!! Love your guts!

  2. SW said, "I am so glad you decided to get out of bed! I love you.
