Wednesday, January 13, 2010

we give

we give of ourselves. without expectation we give. we give of our energy. we give of our time. we give of our talents. we give of our light.

we give not for salvation. we give not for fear of restitution.

we give because we love. we give because we want to share in the lives of those to whom we give. we give because in giving we learn to love ourselves.

we give of ourselves to learn understanding. we give of ourselves to learn patience.

when we allow ourselves to be open to the needs of others we learn that as we give we also receive.

we give of ourselves and lives are saved. we give of ourselves and hearts are healed. we give of ourselves and we are healed.


  1. You, my dear, are so eloquent! I love reading your posts. I give you my thanks for giving of your light. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. MEGS! You have GOT to make this your blogbackground! It's so very you!

  4. I fid your writing electric. I whispered "Amen" after WE GIVE
